Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Union Action Alert

The AFL-CIO blog has some great stuff.

I found the following over at Firedoglake and thought everyone should read it.

Here is a snippet to get you started:

When Your Gall Bladder Gets Sent to India, Have You Had Enough?
By: Jordan Barab
Guest Blogged By Tula Connell

Carl Garrett, a paper mill technician in Canton, N.C., needed gall bladder and shoulder surgery. So his employer, Blue Ridge Paper Products, came up with an increasingly less- than-novel solution: Send him overseas for surgery.

India, in this case.

Garrett volunteered to go. But let’s face it, how much of an option did he have? Let’s see: Agree with your employer and take your chances overseas, or risk paying out-of-pocket costs for the entire surgery in the United States? Duh.

But Garrett has a union, and the union didn’t stand for what the media and others have euphemistically dubbed “medical tourism.” The USW International Union (USW) persisted until management backed off the plan. The USW and Blue Ridge will work together to find an alternative within the United States.
Really, read the whole thing. It's quite inspiring.


Rantin' Ron said...

My wife has metatized breast cancer and receives chemo every three weeks. I have serious heart problems.


We are going to eventually lose our home and land BUT it's not my employer's OR the government's place to pay my bill's.

I'll keep paying as long as I can keep paying. It sucks but it is no one's else responsibility but MINE.

Call me old school but, read the constitution!!

Medical care ain't in it!!

Tough shit happens to normal people.

Take the blessings of this nation along with the bad shit that happens while we live in the greatest nation in the world.

Hell, no one can live forever.

Live PROUD while you breath God's precious air.

My life is NOT society's obligation. It's MINE.

Isabella and Victoria said...

That's the silliest comment I have ever heard.

If I follow your logic, we should get rid of the fire, police, sanitation, and education departments funded by the government, right?

After all, if you got a problem (house on fire or an overabundance of ignorance) it is your obligation to fix it yourself, not society's right?

Some things cost money, like committing to the idea that the elderly should be able to retire with dignity, or educating children.

It is a society's duty to collectively provide those resources.


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