Friday, September 01, 2006

Is "Neutered" The Right Word For This?

I don't want to memorize the contract and I suspect that many other teachers don't want to either.

I think most teachers want their unions to do that for them. Makes sense to me, that way we can devote our energy to being better teachers.

That said, union leadership is vitally important.

So issues of competence and confidence in our union leadership should be important to us.

The Tribune has a story today about how the new charter virtual elementary school has been approved by the state board of education.
Here is the money quote from Marilyn Stewart:

After the vote, Chicago Teachers Union President Marilyn Stewart vowed to "take swift and appropriate action to stop or block the opening of this school."

Just makes you burst with pride doesn't it? Swift and appropriate. I bet CPS is shaking in their boots. Sounds less like a plan and more like a sound-bite to me.

Where have I heard such rich and detailed plans before?

Will Ms. Stewart let us know that as charters stand up, we can stand down?

Will she advise us that we can't cut and run from our plan to block the opening of another charter school?

Will the UPC campaign slogan for this spring's election be stay the course?

Here is how CPS responded to Ms. Stewart's vow to be swift and appropriate:

...Chicago Public Schools general counsel Patrick Rocks said "it is very unlikely there could be a viable legal challenge."
CPS sounds like her vow really threw them for a loop, eh?

Is neutered the word I am searching for when I think of how CPS deals with the union when UPC is in charge?

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