Monday, September 11, 2006


Note to our readers: The following post was emailed to me from deep inside the last house delegates meeting - more to come from this author

DUES INCREASE 10.5% 2006-07 DUES$ 879.27

The increase will appear on the Sept. 22nd check, the dues will be $33.82. The formula for assessing dues is to take 1% of Step 6 Lane 1.

The salary quoted by the UPC/CTU is $59,727, ($597.00 CTU dues) add to that the $282.00 AFT and IFT ‘passthroughs’ and increases (of which Marilyn Stewart strongly supported, and will benefit from).

However the correct salary figure is $54,650 whichwould make the dues $828.50 (still too much). Either the CTU deliberately padded the dues increase by an extra $50.77 or they don’t know what they’re doing; and these are the people who could be negotiating the next contract!

The gain from this ‘mistake’ will give the CTU over $1.5 million of extra money. The total increase amounts to over $2.6 million for the UPC/CTU family and friends. The leadership did not allow discussion or questions from delegates at the House meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 6th. The only people allowed to speak during the question period were UPC members and CTU staff.

They continued to lie to the house and members about the contract. They are not enforcing the contract, i.e. they are not doing their job! They figure if they tell the lies enough everyone will believe them. (Note from Victor: I tried to find the video of Bush at a Social Security meeting saying that his job forced him to repeat things over and over to, and I quote, "catapult the propoganda" to insert here for your viewing pleasure but couldn't find it. This author's take on the UPC just reminded me of that...I don't know why.)

They (UPC) hired 4 more field reps. Patronage, the bad kind, is alive and well at CTU. They are emptying the CTU treasury into their pockets and then raising the dues and are getting away with it.

They have given tens of thousands of dollars to Mike Madigan are supporting Blagojevich and haven't passed one piece of legislation to benefit CTU members or our schools. But their expense accounts are growing bigger and bigger every day. They seem to expending all of their energy and what money they don’t put in their own pockets attacking Debbie Lynch instead of defending and protecting the members of the CTU.

'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.' And the UPC/CTU takes this to extremes!

Author - Sarah Loftus

In one year the increase goes up by 10.5%...10.5%????

What the heck, golly gosh gee willikers?!@#?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boston once had a tea party. Taxaction without representation; I believe this is correct and it would apply to what we are experience with this present group of officers. I believe we toss them overboard. What do you think?

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