Monday, September 11, 2006

On This Day

I have a unique CPS Bureaucracy memory of September 11.

I was teaching freshmen World Studies that year. The syllabus was Europe and the Americas in the Fall, Asia and the Middle East in Spring.

On the Friday after 9-11, the curriculum coordinator, who had been walking by my room, inquired as to why I was teaching about the Middle East, when it wasn't scheduled until the Spring.

I talked about "teachable moments" and how I felt I should capitalize on what had happened and I would simply teach Europe in the Spring.

I actually had to explain to a CPS administrative employee why I was teaching about the Middle East on Sept. 14, 2001.

Kinda says it all doesn't it?

Found this video on a blog I read often called Firedoglake. I hope you enjoy it as we all pause to remember the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

Click on the video to play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the Youtube video, Victor.

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