Monday, April 30, 2007

Gage Park in the Sun-Times, and it ain't pretty.

Sun-Times story here.

Most of the students I talked with today at Gage felt the story was unfair (not, however, untrue...even the stuff about guns outside of the building).

Students said other schools were worse off and they wanted nice things said about Gage. Some asked why no mention of the undefeated Lady Owl's softball team? Other's talked about the breakfast with the Lt. Governor celebrating Cesar Chavez. We even have a student who won at the city science fair and will be representing Gage in Springfield (Veronica Magdaleno, featured in the photo from the Sun-Times and super congrats to her!). I tried to tell them the story was about over-crowding and its impact, not a general "what's going on at Gage" story.

Yes, the story in the Sun-Times is true. But to remember why the topic of over-crowding was and is still important, I refer you to one of my first posts, a video of the protest about over-crowding. Originally posted here, I am reposting it for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Victor, I'm a broadcast journalism graduate student at Northwestern. I'd like to do a video package on what steps Gage Park HS has taken to deal with overcrowding. I've contacted the principal and the first year teacher mentioned in the Sun-Times article. The principal hasn't gotten back to me since I e-mailed her Tuesday, but the teacher seemed very hesitant to talk with me because of the reaction to the article. Are you a teacher there? Could you please e-mail me at either way? Thank you.

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