Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I Wish This Was Made By The CTU and Not ASFCME

Is there anyone out there who can make one like it for the CTU when we go on strike?

Am I in a dream state or is there still a union leader here in the city of Chicago who actually says things "We don't take shit from nobody"? Will our CTU leadership? I hope so.


Anonymous said...

Victor, you are confusing the careless toss-off of curse words for real strength. This 70's vintage video, which is probably a spoof, makes AFSCME members look like coarse, crude idiots. THIS is the image you want CTU to portray to the public? All I can say is, I am so very glad you are not at the bargaining table for the union.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to 9:58! I second the opinion.

Isabella and Victoria said...

You guys are no fun.

Why don't you go be a drag and a downer on someone else's site and leave me be?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is a "drag and a downer" to want teachers and their union to be portrayed as the caring professionals they are.

If you want people to "leave you be" then don't post on a blog.

Anonymous said...

I agree. If the sort of thieving incompetance that teachers unions have been able to accomplish for decades is going to continue, it's going to be necessary to hide the membership and obscure the nature of what these groups represent.

It's critical to portray the greed and indolence of union teachers as something noble and valuable. Otherwise moves to democratize the teaching profession, and allow parents to choose the schools their kids attend, will only continue to gain strength.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm impressed by the controversy. I just thought it was a funny satire of our current union leadership.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I thought it was great. If you look beyond the cuss words (if you don't like them--I thought they were a riot)--you would be reminded that people who do really undervalued work get paid with our tax dollars. I love that it's a guy in a suit who narrates it. Way to bridge class warfare.

Isabella and Victoria said...

Hey Mom,

Someone got it! See, that wasn't so hard was it?

Anonymous said...

"...the greed and indolence of union teachers..."

Excuse me? Ask a GOOD teacher how many hours of HER time, off the clock, she spends on your children, or how much of HER money she spends providing things that the good-for-nothing school district doesn't provide. If you are so unhappy by the education afforded your children by the public schools, then I suggest you get off you ass and get involved. Raise hell, make some noise on your local school council if you don't like what goes on in your child's school but most importantly, LOOK AT YOURSELF. A teacher only has your child for 6 hours a day...what do you do with the other 18??

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